mercredi 28 mai 2008

Weekend Report

Antonio Pessoa

Weekend Report

Once again,I fly from Canary Islands to spend the weekend with my favorite living artist and one of my best friends as well.Skip intro,for between the two of us,after all these years and after all these countless moments of mutual excellent conversation,shared bizarre episodes and a few unspeakable adventures,by all means no ceremonial rituals required whatsoever,simply put and absolutely true. He picks me up at the densely populated airport and the silent perfect-mannered chauffeur drives us back to his idyllic castle more popularly known as Antonio Pessoa-Home Studio. A new life in the sun,a new weekend in the relaxing and cosy atmosphere of the spacious living area all the more enchanting by the friendly staff,let alone the artist's awesome and most entertaining recent new line contemporary fine art canvases and watercolors.Wall Art at his unquestionable very,very best,if you ask me. After a dimlit mediterranean food dinner at the balcony overlooking the warm summer night,during which we pleasurably break news and get on with our lives latest episodes and metaphysics updates,we have a Scotch while strolling about Studio 1 as he shows me his on- going canvases,drawings and watercolors,a true dream factory,and sooner than I expected it was 2.a.m. and my obnoxious yawning was already warning me it was just about time to call it a night,so next thing I knew I was between sheets and thereby quickly going into night time oblivion.Delicious!Indeed,I actually have to admit I simply adore this recovering and rewarding total forgetfulness of the great oblivion of sleep.So does the artist,for all I know. I wake up early morning just to witness once again the dynamic full-swing stimulating on-going racing activity all over the place. The telephone keeps ringing,business partners,clients,art collectors,friends,family,art merchants,co- workrts,you name it,from all over the world. Pierre Fontanals and Luis Santiago seem to be successfully handling the situation,as in everything-under-control,with their usual experienced,stree-free and that easy-to-do look on their faces,savoir faire and know-how...while the artist is nowhere to be seen. Well,not quite so,actually.Antonio Pessoa is already painting in his sound proof Studio 1,basically relaxed,happy,however totally focused on the huge canvas before him. Antonio Pessoa always faithful to his traditional studio performance unique style,is working on several paintings at the same time,despite today's main artwork at stake happens to be a gigantic canvas on the skyscraper like easel,seemingly succeeding to be grabbing his full attention and his eagle eye concentration. I light my pipe and silently observe the artist at work for quite a long while,genuinely fascinated by his reputable art action speed,as if he were actually only the art making mediator between Divine Guidance and the canvas. I politely coughed lightly twice before I broke the silence."What's going to be the title of that masterpiece ,my friend?" "Free!" said the Pessoa without even bother to turn around."Free,my dear,just what I wish to be above anything else in the world.Free!" As a matter of fact ,I love to admit,Free,indeed turned out to be one of the most awesome and charming king-sized canvases of the artist's latest contemporary series and definitely one of my favorites ever. Laser focused and maximally productive,the artist all of a sudden takes a break and moves about the studio,gladly aware of my dear friendly presence,brush in his right hand staining here and there on the watercolor papers scattered all over the spacious studio. "I have this feeling,this don't know what something about this weekend",he tells me,thoughtfully contemplating- and I think - seriously evaluating one of those unfinished watercolors,with that peculiar self-criticism look on his diamond-white face. One of his cell phones rings.That's the Home Studio "Special One" cell phone as he ironically titled it.As far as I know it's actually the bad news breaker , the last-minute urgent issues cell phone.What do you know! He picks it up and I hear Pierre Fontanal's voice almost screaming from the other side,meaning,from the "Concepts into Action" headquarters,where everything usually looks as if the Universe is conspiring to make business matters an easy-going task and some other times it looks as if indeed all hell broke loose! That was Maxwell Armstrong from San Francisco,California,absolutely anxious and under pressure and demanding (...demanding!) speak directly over the phone with the artist. By now,Antonio Pessoa is painfully back to real-life again,takes a seat,thinks for a while...and I hear him say... "Pierre,please,just tell him I'm out of order" Silence again,while Pessoa listens to what Pierre has got to communicate... "OK,then tell him I won't be back untill next week." He hangs up. He's never going to change,I'm thinking,the artist definitely hates a life full of problems and the best way he knows to get rid of them all once and for all,or at least for a peaceful while,is the same old formula. Get back down to work and once again life is Heaven,just Paradise! With the happy ending of the canvas fast approaching,the artist quickly recovers from the interruption.Obviously the key to full and fair recovery is to get on with what he was doing and that's precisely what he does.Congratulations! There are always unplanned occurences that prevent him from painting just the way he simply adores.Peacefully! Getting caught up in the day to day activities of his team,isn't precisely his idea of indeed getting a kick out of art studio performance. Talking about the devil,the cell phone rings again ( the right the wrong place ...),as the artist gets ready to get back down to work.How convenient! My eavesdropping is supposed,more than basically tolerated,fully accepted,just for the record... "Not again!",he sighs. However,he picks up the phone while looking at me with that funny helplessness expression on his face. Pierre once again screaming from the busy room,just to tell him Maxwell Armstrong wishes to know whether the artist is once and for all decided to deal with him directly or not. "Tell him...well,Pierre,just tell him...Or Not" He hangs up the phone. I must say that in real-life philosophy this is theoretically a definite "Leave me Alone!". One of Antonio Pessoa's most peculiar secrets is that deep down inside- unquestionably - he sure loves this art studio daily ritual,delicious silence,this self-imposed exile...well,in a manner of speaking. What turns out to be his big What and Why,that's for us to know and for you to find out throughout all it's been said and written about the artist's Life and Oeuvre. Strange how this weekend seems to be shorter than I would like to expect,just in the exact proportion to my delight to stay by his side and enjoy the making of all this scattered collection of unfinished canvases,drawings,sketches and impactful watercolors. Whatching him build on the fine art dreams factory always creates me an exciting state of antecipation.Inevitable fact. However,the cell phone is persistent enough and there it is once again ringing and once again inevitably forcing the artist losing steam and probably reminding himself that indeed at last check Paradise will be only possible in a far away tropical exotic island between the Pacific Ocean...and Eternity! So it seems - from what I can make out of my legitimate eavesdropping - Maxwell Armstrong just comes up with a brand-new proposition,fair enough to put a broad smile on the artist's face and probably a helpless curiosity expression on mine. "It's alright then,Pierre,please let him know he can have those six canvases for that price...oh,and by the way,please tell him that next time he calls us four times in a row I won't negotiate..." We have lunch on the balcony,a nice mexican food combination,served hot...and how! One of the benefits of his lifestyle,by all means.Now we concentrate only on the tasty good smelling positive aspects of the mexican cuisine,while wandering about this and a fresh,almost sweet wind breeze starts blowing from the seaside. Just two good friends and Art Connoisseurs making the most out of being together again. Harold MacArthur is in town,so the three of us decide to go for a rejuvenating long walk along the seaside Avenue,it's just a beautiful day,clean cloudless sky,Sprigtime just smells fun,the sea is light blue contrasting with the light-golden-blue sky and it's just wondeful to be here in this idyllic scenery of western world tropical life, as we easily overcome procrastination and stroll further and further away while pondering and review several topics,including the artist's current and upcoming projects. In spite of the inevitable fact that Pessoa is actually more than twenty years younger than we are,he proves systematically to have reached this mature-like unmutable consistency,this inspiring effortless reliability charisma,wherever he is and whatever he does,a remarkable combination of qualities playing an important role in our unique mixture of logical and philosophical reasoning inter-exchanging chemistry. Nothing like a six-kilometer boulevard stroll with such distinguished company,along the clear blue waters,crystaline sand and dazzling coral reefs,the ideal place to take full advantage of excellent conversation focused on interesting issues,including Art. Nevertheless,let's face it.Sir MacArthur current situation seems pretty obvious both for me and for the artist as well.His personal increasing interest in Antonio Pessoa's latest artworks,his definitely his main motivation to pay him a visit from time to time,well...more accurately at least once every month.Define this simply as art collector's persistence would be basically unfair,for I know that apart from his main reasons to fly from London on such a regular basis,roughly twelve times a year,his admiration for the artist is by all means clearly genuine to the point of true growing friendship.That much is transparently in the air. However,the high price of the artist's canvases,namely and very specifically his latest contemporary fine art series,New Era-New Line,if not being precisely beyond his financial reach (definitely not!!!) at least have achieved a global demand effect,feverish enough for a drastic rise in prices,eventually rather unexpectedly and as far as Harold MacArthur is concerned,from his strict point of view,fairly acceptable,on the other hand,painfully unfair. In spite of the inevitable everlasting situation of being systematically "blessed" with new exciting and painfully unexpected challenges,Sir MacArthur is never going to change his faithful sense of personal commitment concerning both his friendship with the artist and his private art collection growing reputation,continuously updated integrity. No big deal,whatsoever.Hard working art collector's self-consciousness.I like that...and so does the artist. Anyway,just as with the tides in the sea,there is an ebb and flow to the tides of Antonio Pessoa's Home Studio leisure weekends. Swimming in the art world,understanding its awesome Universe and eventually,of course,swimming through the sand of bizarre timing and close encounters with unannounced visitors. What all this reminds me of is how great is to have the world in our hands and time by our side. At last check I find myself wondering. Visitors...or Invaders? Miriam Di Rosa! A Lady in the Water!The water of the Art Ocean.Atlantis? It's tea time,in the contemporary Fine Art Shrine! Miriam sits down at the steaming good smelling table with her gentle jet-set complexity although grotesque proportions. She starts by complaining about the weather,then seriously complaining about her love affairs setbacks,then about the art market impractical foolish unpredictable roller coaster unreliable flux and flows,then she goes on complaining about the enough of non-sense world we live in,and at last she complains about all topics in a row,she says she's had it...and by then,surprise,surprise,believe me or not,crazy as it seems,forty five minutes had gone by and tea time was over. Miriam Di Rosa and the artist,they are actually so used to share whatever-you name it together,yet so aware of the intentions of one another,that they don't permit themselves anymore to become ruffled or victimized. Sir MacArthur looks mildly tolerantly patient and me,well,I fortunately have reached that level of after-walk,after-tea.who-cares,accomplished calmness. Tea time is over and Antonio Pessoa looks bored,slightly standoffish,I suppose a bit tired.Miriam somehow always succeeds to set this mood paradigm shifting in the artist emotional mechanism.He accepts her exactly how she is and she remains in his life playing the important role of art critic,art curator,although systematically,hopelessly expecting to keep the artist image strangely tuned in what he was six years ago...still illuminated by the pure oil smelling Romantic Period's Modern Art bulb. On the whole,Miriam Di Rosa regards Pessoa's contemporary series as a road-map to something which hasn't yet been achieved and I think she secretly believes it never will. I understand her feelings(let alone her old fashionad artistic concepts ) however,by all means I don't subscribe her point of view. Pessoa in my opinion is actually going through his fine art very,very best up to now,and that's the general public perspective,except for Miriam who still has this secret hopeless hope to re- convert the artist to the old models of Modern Art.Too late,if you ask me. Pessoa wastes no time climbing back aboard the now urgent loneliness of his studio,while the fictional Lady Miriam keeps me company as we sadly watch him go,leaving us behind...and he's gone. After a long silent while Miriam Di Rosa stands up and gets ready to go. I light my pipe as I hear her say "It's not all,isn't it?Antonio doesn't need my company nor my advice anymore.Enough Genius IQ,I suppose." I say nothing.I know exactly what's going on between the two of them,and I also know it's none of my business...well,at least while she is around. "If he's aiming for Genius IQ Perfection that's his problem." she goes on as she walks towards the door."But my previous experience tells me he was a much better artist,before.Anyway,the great Antonio Pessoa will never be successful if he sticks to this contemporary abstract non-sense.That much I can tell you.He's just trying to be a little innovative but definitely losing the Great Master's touch.It's a shame,really,it's a shame,but there's nothing much I can possibly do about this weird situation.Anyway,guys,take care,all of you.I'll be in touch...I think.Goodbye." She closes the door behind her.And she's gone! Under my circumstances I kept on smoking my pipe,while recognizing she couldn't have been more mistaken. If to much art studio action can be at times responsible for making the artist's mind dense,it's also true the his controversial relationship with Miriam - always on the verge of actually going down the drain ( which miraculously never seems to happen )- hasn't helped much to improve his mood after our tea time nail-bitting session. So after sunset,Jasper drives us to the Meditation Center,nº39.The ultimate shrine for total peace of mind,discernment and relaxation. The most valuable thing you can learn about Meditation multiple benefits is that it indeed shapes your character,provides you with a rewarding inner-self awareness and asures you this happy and healthy well-being,the great foundation that enables you to wake up every single day ready and steady to get up and literally go fot it,whatever that might happens to turn out to be,particularly concerning Antonio Pessoa's challenging life,a great powerful mindset and a solid self-centered unbreakable motivation,more than enough to overcome professional obstacles and general serious commitments. It's imperative by now to understand how these systematic meditation sessions and rituals have contributed immensely for the artist's amazing personal growth and his latest increasing artistic performance success. The power of balance,minimizing all external and internal clutter,recalibrating the artist and assess his direction regularly,implementing higher love principles,clearing out inconsistent behaviors that may eventually push him off track,discerning when it is appropriate to let go or move forward,making honoring his truth in art expression his top priority,honoring and encouraging his continual growth and learning,setting a clear and focused intent so he can share it and follow through to completion,and discovering how to strengthen his character and soul so they can't be bought nor manipulated. Antonio Pessoa has embraced these commandments at Bala Mani's Meditation Center,and since then,he has been teached and coached surrounded himself with Masters of the Mind he believes and trusts,and consequently adopting naturally and gradually a surprising new line attitude,actually the key element that has been a positive and successful step towards his current genius efficiency not only in art performance but in his personal,social and professional life,with remarkable results so far,providing him with the inevitable super easy going skills and know-how to get out and play to win. Pessoa's weelky sessions at the Meditation Center have been setting his mind to face and overcome all professional obstacles plus providing him with a remarkable Know-How and easy- to-doingness when it comes to make the most of his multiple projects,challenges and dreams,let alone his highly effective art performance. The Age of Aquarius has given us the great possibilities of Quantum Physics. There is an infinite universe of intelligent and highly creative energy where the artist pulls out the Quantum Ocean,enabling him to continuously accomplish with little time and effort,his personal lifestyle concept,artistic projects and professional commitments. As an art collector,art critic,art coach and counselor,supporting and reviewing Antonio Pessoa's Life and Work,has proven to be probably the most exciting experience of my seventy-two years of multiple interesting projects all over the world so far. Thereby,as a matter of fact it's rather rewarding just to witness how the artist has actually increased his artistic performance to such an extent of quality,visual impact providing art lovers with a substantial new contemporary literacy,furthermore making it possible for a huge amount of public realize the full potential of his Oeuvre and very particularly of his innovative capacity. Systematically exposing himself to exciting new ideas and perspectives,Antonio Pessoa,with a relevant help from his impressive mindset proceeds with the right attitude,progresses into the future on a full determined one million-steps- forward journey,with the energy,feel,style and proficient imagination,plus his absolute clear purpose serving him and all his collaborators in all important specific areas,possible and "impossible" ways. Back home,we spend the rest of the evening just the two of us,listening to soft music and relaxing at the balcony,emotionally at ease and enjoying the spendid warm night atmosphere and the ongoing cheerful crowd celebrating life down at the charming square. We have dinner,confidently sharing our viewpoints over so many interesting subjects and next thing we know,the square is empty,it's 1 a.m. and we call it a night. Saturday morning,I woke up before the house got really busy,so after having breakfast delivered by Arturo and his wife,consisting in a cross-between mediterranean food and english ham and eggs,I took a stroll along the seaside avenue,not too long a walk,just enough to stretch my legs and let the blood quicly flow into my grey cells as the bright sun rays provided me with enough energy for the rest of the day. When I got back to the artist's Home Studio it seemed as if all hell broke loose. James Babel was once again feeling pretty lousy over David Medina and his usual dread failures. Life basic essentials teach you different ways to look at life.In this specific area,mine and Antonio Pessoa's traditional detachment was indeed being used to our great advantage. As everybody seemed just about to start crawling up the walls,only Pierre Fontanals,the artist and myself,seemed to remain cool,calm and collaborating aiming at finding a snappy solution for what seemed to be the financial crash of the century. Twenty minutes later we all went out for lunch.An early,struggling and out loud speaking nerve-shattering lunch.Bad news is we had Pietro Fabricci to join the club...he and his humorless sense of humor. The artist and the sophisticated and versatile Pierre Fontanals might see him as a smarty-arty sort of clown,or should I say,multifaced juggler clown...never mind... The circus entertainer was after all James Babel and his out of breath manifestation of blame on the guilty one,David Medina for having sold nine valuable masterpieces for a substantial incorrectly measured price. Eating at random and struggling to get his message across,James Babel was losing his self- made man public relations strategy as Antonio Pessoa was getting seriously bored and so was I,just for the record and for all that matters. We left the restaurant in a quite remarkable polite hurry and made our way back home,fortunately quickly recovering from the embarassing sort of everything-you-need-to-know about how to throw a lousy lunch party. Pessoa once again looks slightly bored,moody blue. I suppose so many types of people around him quite often actually succeed to take his concentration away,or at least to a less effective level in which he inevitably can't help feeling awkward enough to continuously avoid situations that might turn out to interfere negatively with his deliciously silent philosophical universe. Very far from being some corny sort of ethereal spiritual mumbo-jumbo,Antonio Pessoa's lifestyle is definitely based upon a practical wisdom and vision of emotional abundance,aiming at making his art performance,private and social life,professional commitments,flourish,grow and expand. Thereby,no wonder his Studio 1's celestial peace is for the artist his ultimate heaven,favorite playground and his divine castle where all ghostly apparitions dissolve and melt away making way for spiritual lightness and proficient creativeness. The artist has become more and more conscious,concerned and aware that what he expects to happen in his art studio - specifically when it comes to excel in art expression is determined by the thoughts he dwells upon plus the intensity of the emotions behind those thoughts. Systematically using imagery to create innovative contemporary art patterns he knows how to give himself the freedom to reach for the stars of supreme awareness (inspiration!),one idea leads to another,and the momentum he generates with these mind tools,one thousand and one visions and beyond,will begin a magical fast shift in his creative power so is art performance becomes a passionate flow of emotions where he finds himself mastering the process of being the ultimate mediator between the reality circus and visual poetry.Art! The mystery about the current amazing chemistry between Antonio Pessoa and Boris Dainville is after all very clear,so it's no mystery al last check whatsoever. They are both emotionally concentrated on the power of all forms of Art,including human relations. They hop on the strong rules of spiritual energy,learning together how to prioritize the great Truth known to all mystics and ancient sages. What they mean to each other,more than sympathetic resonance,is an absolute like attracts like effortless harmony,sharing the same life approach in which basically the only possible option is to be and feel absolutely alive. So this Saturday,once again,they keep in touch over the phone,as the artist goes on working on several canvases and watercolors at the same time and I keep him company as I sit quietly reading,taking notes or simply watching him suggest awesome visual propositions with every painting brush stroke as time goes slowly and pleasurably by in Studio 1 and as the sun beams keep coming in anticipating yet another delicious warm subtropical night. Once again we're having dinner at the comfy balcony.Antonio Pessoa looks relaxed now,however thoughtful,sharing the silence with me,plenty aware that I,more than anyone else in the world,can make out the essence of his pondering,even in the silence,or when we talk exchanging ideas,projects,secrets,concepts,dreams,you name it,I'm able to read the underlines,able to accurately interpret the inner-areas of the artist's intimate reflections and thereby succeed to come up with a rather clear picture of his current perspective of the whole field of life,world,art...and beyond. He is a complex,informed,wise distinguished man.He has embraced the whole creative process,art studio,lifestyle and beyond.This is the big one,and this is the main reason why I've been reviewing his Life and Work for the past ten years up to now. Some of Antonio Pessoa's top qualities are definitely his increasing capacity to keep his mind on task,it actually gets easier and easier for the artist to become fully focused on what's more important,beginning with his art studio daily action,indeed a creative ritual which has become a pleasurable and inevitable part of his life.Also using his subconscious to accept that what he desires is possible to achieve,even his wildest dreams,keeps him steady on the right track and mastering the art of being ready when the magic happens,like something he will most certainly will enjoy,even when it comes in the most unexpected ways.Pessoa handles this emotion- charged feelings aiming at expand his multiple issues and areas,an ever growing display of fascinating projects,leading him to reach higher levels of living the ultimate Life Supreme! After dinner we move back to the studio,where Scotch is served in cognac snifters by the silent- polite Arturo.He leaves us alone as the phone rings announcing an incoming call fromm Felix Nuñez. Felix Nuñez is taking care of the artist's affairs in San Francisco,CA, and he has been doing it for over two years already,now.From the five minutes conversation I can figure out Nuñez has successfully added three more reputable art collectors to the artist's U.S.A. crème de la crème clients list.Fair enough.Pessoa hangs up the phone with a broad smile of satisfaction on his face. "This young man is just about to hit the big time,Jacob,and so are we"he says. "You are,not me" I say "I'm just an innocent bystander.But I like it!Are you hearing me complaining?" We're laughing out loud,now...making a toast to good health. The Art World! Bigger names have come and gone,but few careers in contemporary fine art have been more consistently interesting over the last ten years than Antonio Pessoa's.Painstakingly careful and accurate the artist goes on this Saturday after midnight exhaustively staining here and there,living up to his art studio wizard reputation. His latest paintings are just amazing,passionate and so chromatically beautiful and at the same time deliciously absurd in their successful attemp to reproduce the artist's serious sensory experiences. Saturday's featured artist,takes the midnight express absolutely motivated and comfy in the spacious comfort of Studio 1.Into art action now completely,his burning fire seems to go higher and higher,and once again I feel helplessly inspired as I watch him dancing about the awesome scenario,mainly furnished by huge easels,gigantic and medium size canvases,oak tables covered with an apparent chaotic display of finished and unfinished watercolors,drawings,collages,mixed medias and small sketches here and there and everywhere. There's a beautiful abstract acrylic on watercolor paper on a chair I hadn't noticed the day before.I ask him where did it come from.The artist tells me he started doing it yesterday,and that's where he was actually writing this wonderful weekend poetry.What poetry,I just asked,not because I didn't know what he was talking about,I did,but just to get my private kick,well,mainly to make conversation. "Momentum takes over " he says "It's easy enough to dream and plan big projects,but when it comes to see a particular weekend measurable progress,nothing like a watercolor to draw the whole map.It's like an episode.That's what it's meant to be.The Weekend Report!" So that was it,I thought.Antonio Pessoa's intention generator was on once again,with the rushed busy flow of his eclectic style,the artist's ever present amazing capacity to see artistic challenges as supreme opportunities working toward innovative ideas,as he goes on and on staining here and there filled with passion,creative fire and almost childish excitement. Suddenly he stops and looks at me as taken by surprise,slightly puzzled and definitely amused. "I don't know why I bother to go on painting,it's almost 2 a.m.,you must be tired and I'm keeping you here,Jacob.We should be going to bed and call it a night." "Let your inner light shine,my friend,go on with what you were doing and please do not worry about me.I'm quite alright and very entertained if you ask me." The artist shrugged and said. "Just a few minutes more and then we'll have another scotch on the balcony." I watch him as he gets back down to work. Antonio Pessoa's amazing power of persistence,I thought,that's the real secret for his artistic success.It's always been as far as I can recall.And it was indeed 2 a.m. by then. As soon as I discovered it was already 11:30 a.m.,I jumped out of bed,simultaneously recasting my priorities,such as a good cold shower and a late breakfast delivered by a silent Jasper at the spacious kitchen,all part of a process of treating me like a special honor guest. After taking a look a the ongoing situation in the artist's Home Studio as I watched my energy level raise up by witnessing the energetically vibrating excitement of everyone's pleasurable working flux and flow,every step I take toward Antonio Pessoa's contemporary Fine Art shrine,Studio 1,the clearer it became that he had company this morning.As I got closer to the door,I knew the artist was facing a new challenge today.Listening patiently to Boris Dainville's latest episodes. I let myself in and after taking a sit and picking up my notepad,I had to face the fact that Boris Dainville had just been through yet another love affair setback with a strange woman from Dublin who at last check proved to be a tough pill to swallow for the millionaire and enthusiastic art collector's delicate emotional attachment,another overwhelming failure to join his rich content love affairs diary. Now that I come to think of it I have to admit The Beatles were right when they came up with "Can't buy me Love" song. No matter the stage of art performance Antonio Pessoa finds himself in,he can't help run through a whole fully concentrated working day,without being almost systematically interrupted by unexpected visitors out of his endless list of unique soul mates. Although this list seems to be the list of an artist with a pretty wide and diverse social life,unquestionable fact,the pros and cons of this circumstance after all very often provides him with a rather awkward momentum,sometimes in the form of a focus saboteur,when art action remains stuck,eventually totally inactive,while these overwhelming unexpected last minute visitors,may prove to be long lasting gossip overloaded whimperish meetings,classified information sessions,where his best and closest friends,as bizarre as it may sound,come to his Studio and to his arms seeking wise advice on multiple emotional subjects,soul mates who at a certain point of their lives seem to know little or nothing about how to handle a specific situation,particularly concerning matters of the flesh,of course. Although I know and have to admit that running away from this almost daily inevitable scenario may be Pessoa's first instinct,somehow he ethically finds it more beneficial to meet it head-on,taking a different approach to every different situation.A valuable exercise! The artist's good listener magic is thereby created from being a giving person who gives to giving people,such as Boris Dainville. The day goes by as the three of us continue the communicating process,through lunch,another art session time,tea time,a sunset walk along the boulevard and by dinner time we were basically emotionally exhausted,literally almost passing out on the dining room floor,a simple way to put down in words how Boris Dainville's love affairs setbacks can turn out to become a totally thumbs down negative feelings network. Anyway,just before midnight the lover boy goes away for good after seven seasons with the saints,leaving us alone in a sea of sighs in the ultimate effort to pull ourselves together,having the last one for the road double Scotch on the rocks at the exotic balcony overlooking the stunning bay.Some Sunday! I woke up monday morning to join the temper- based complaints of Miriam Di Rosa at the steaming breakfast fancy round table. Contrary to what she seems decided to believe,the artist is not bound for getting easily trapped on her nightmarish reality,nor is he willing to be mistakenly dropped off on her outmoded planet. "Why isn't your Art the way it should be?Just the way it used to be?" She complains as Antonio Pessoa copes as best as possible with her sadness,with his traditional well-being,tolerance and joy- even detachment- as a pure realization that after all her opinion matters,in spite of her stubborn unwillingness to take the ultimate step and expand her vision into the larger and far more innovative world of contemporary art. This hard to deal conversation goes on for about one hour,while Miriam's unsuccessful attempts to overcome her hidden desperation became more and more obvious till the moment the artist and I get up and leave the kitchen,however no fast enough to miss her last disappointed remark. "If you don't change your artistic style I don't know what I will do!" That's the high price for artistic freedom. I watch his amazing latest artworks as we once again enter Studio 1.This room has become his holy retreat,his world,his destiny. There was only one particular mixed media on watercolor paper which had been puzzling me throughout the whole weekend. "One last thing...why don't you have it finished yet?"I asked the artist. "Well...I suppose I'll do it tonight,my friend...this one is a special combination of our latest interesting events...including yourself"He smiled.A naughty smile. "What do you actually have in mind?" I asked as I came closer to the unfinished artwork. "Because this one is The Weekend Report". Jasper took me to the airport after lunch.While we zipped along the highway,suddenly I got the whole picture. After all that has been his secret all the way during these days. The ultimate relationship between real life and artistic interpretation. The Weekend Report !

samedi 6 octobre 2007

Antonio Pessoa ' Art Times

Antonio Pessoa

Art Times
Antonio Pessoa Art Times Antonio Pessoa Lifestyle As we all know,life sometimes can be very stimulating and rewarding,although unexpected changes and unpredictable surprises may sometimes turn everything upside down in such a frantic manner that next thing you know one might as well start having the strange sensation of being living in another life. That actually happens quite often,despite our daily efforts to organize our routine and shape it into a life style model we've been dreaming of for quite a long time.fair enough. Nevertheless destiny or fate have a weird way to continuously show us we should be always ready to be born again in a new dimension of perception,emotions and philosophy. And that's what happened with Antonio Pessoa,a far too long display of adventures,relationships, art style changes,love affairs,a broken marriage,more last minute made up decisions leading too yet another frantic new adventures,falling down and stepping up again...and suddenly waking up in a new universe of wisdom,peace,emotional rescue and maturity responding to the circumstances in the appropriate manner of a wise artist,person and citizen,now acting more out of a learned intuition rather than the impulsive associations of a few years ago. Most important of all,amazing as it actually is,Pessoa somehow managed to keep his life style intact, maintaining his powerful strong beliefs in complete form and function,an entire integrity towards himself,art,friends,partners and life in general. Unquestionably we are indeed facing and witnessing a high quality inner motivation source,a sustaining inspiration definitely related to skills,talent,artistic performance,commitment and an absolute striking positive thinking and energy. In the contemporary fine art field it has been always genuinely spontaneous and heartfelt the way Antonio Pessoa managed to share and also promote his faith,heart and soul both with the worldwide public and with his fellow artists as well. This apparently basic overview of Pessoa's proven solid principles provides us with enough high ranking common-sense when it comes to accept once and for all this artist and art expert,as a unique and gifted excellent example of a true remarkable paradigmatic manifestation of a continuous urgency to turn daily routine into a supreme positive and productive lifestyle. I would say that maybe one of the secrets for Antonio Pessoa's lack of anxiety concerning his artistic career,lies on his general perspective of life,in his particular case a huge endless universe of possibilities,obviously in direct relation to his eclectic multifacetic skills,his high cultured,educated background,plus an outstanding hyperactive intuition and intelligence providing him with an impressive selection of options and several dimensions of identity ,life approach and striking performance. Antonio Pessoa's global cognitive and abstract relational functions allow him a continuous easy- going life leading just by sharp instinct and highly developed emotional intelligence. An IQ also playing a very important role in today's contemporary art scene as we all know by now. To assess Pessoa's relationship between art production-invention and his always glamourous,original lifestyle,we should be able and capable to actually examine a great deal of his stimulating and almost Hollywood-like biography,the most reliable form to bring enough discernment of the essential motivations of the artist and art expert,for,let's face it,indeed an artistic performance of Antonio Pessoa's caliber is definitely the blending of intelligent intuition and some hard work to go with,naturally. One of the great aspects of Pessoa's lifestyle is,from my personal perspective- a reliable view considering my already ten years as one of his closest collaborators and friends- actutually his tremendous capacity to disconnect from the pointless pursuit racing crowd and by choosing the withdrawal back to his unique spiritual universe,quickly recovering the vision of soul,matter and self,exploring new existences of thought,space and art expression,a gathering place for truth,creativity,self-improvement and usually the results of all this fascinating process come up as the art science necessarily starting with new propositions of true amazing contemporary communication,by dissecting and interpreting all the philosophical conclusions.Lovely! Antonio Pessoa as a contemporary art programming languages wizard,continuously researching areas related to pure fine art high performance,provides us simple,affordable and almost familiar contemporary art codes and references,the true colors of existence we all feel commited to and helplessly inclined to pleasantly absorb. No wonder Antonio Pessoa keeps on showing the world how wonderful is to create,make art to amuse,delight and give genuine enjoyment to his growing faithful public,followers,art lovers and art collectors. Pessoa,much more than an artist,art expert and art curator,is an art scene observer,watching the fascinating universal out and about of contemporary art opera with the scientific patience of a well absolute focused examiner's mind,gaining day after day,step by step the solid experience and updated information required in order to esteblish a self-trained ready for action know-how. Antonio Pessoa,reloaded with a new outlook of the international art stage,with a great help from his closest collaborators recruits young art critics at the same time that he is indeed entirely commited in the process of organizing an impressive list of contacts of some of the major art collectors worldwide. Great expectations for this young man and his team,plus a great luck and privilege for art galleries directors,curators,artists and art collectors to know they can count on the multifacetic skills of an artist who decided to become one of the most promising and reliable art experts of today's contemporary art scene. However,Pessoa's secret has nothing to do with magic.Actually just a more accurately measured announcement heralding a new performing attitude directly related with the rushing,growing,expanding today's worldwide contemporary art ring. Antonio Pessoa shows this genuine interest and spontaneous tendency,I would say and bet,out of a conscious urgency to fully understand the global art world atmosphere and therefore enjoy the deserved feeling of growing up and improve as an artist,as a mediator and most importantly as a responsible professional all the way,hungry for knowledge and updated information. This well planned and already performing project provides Pessoa with effective oversight,a vault of new ideas,thoughts,visions ans references,acquired art market leteracy and a rich delivering fluid of new solutions,a fresh new art scene guide,the new fundamental assessment tools for artists,curators,art gallery managers and of course,art collectors. The big challenge is aiready an on-going fact and in so doing new devices are already allowing Antonio Pessoa to communicate and share information faster and better than ever. Mr.Pessoa,we all surely shall be looking forward for more! Antonio Pessoa . Winds of Changes Through the winds of changes,artist,art curator Antonio Pessoa,searches for new solutions for his personal life and inevitably for his career as well. A great communicator,Pessoa might find himself at times rather distressed,experiencing doubts,a dangerous field of emotions and unsolved priorities coming and going in a sort of magnetic resonance.Overwhelmed by a ruthless hurricane of contradictory ambivalences which structure seldom turns out to be not as solid as it should,however striking hard enough to create a state of fragility involving lack of interest in the art scene and therefore involving an immediate urgency calling out a new resuscitation of perception and life style. Obviously,this sort of emotional overflow happened so many times in Antonio Pessoa's adventurous life and artistic career involving personal and professional relationships,somehow making him carving his destiny with the unpredictable manner of the ones who never surrender to mediocrity,no matter what's at stake and very often taking the most apparently unthinkable options. Pessoa continues renewing his conclusions,leading him to new values,obviously the necessary Winds of Changes,brand-new updated solutions focusing their positive energy and wisdom on a more solid,self-sactisfying and rewarding life style. This isn't supposed to mean a switch of direction but more likely a fresh new take of perception,self-improvement and therefore happiness and character enhancement step by step method and program. Antonio Pessoa,the artist,Pessoa,I would claim a new sort of art expert,keeps on living and systematically goes on rearranging his inner relations paradigms and beliefs accurately representing reality as a matter of discovery on a daily basis. His personal and always unique life style and posture in the frantic world of today's art scene very probably on very short terms are going to be projected inevitably in his always surprising and tremendously innovative artworks. Unquestionably it has been this unbreakable enthusiasm for the things in life as a whole which has been interesting the public,art lovers and art collectors,somehow turning Antonio Pessoa's life to become even more exciting and thrilling than his artwork. Despite all the ups and downs,ins and outs,Pessoa has always been proving to be and to live at the highest level elegantly faithful to his living and emotional values,no matter what was at stake,let alone his artistic career. Knowing Pessoa as I do know him I can easy and certainly bet that these blowing winds of changes are once again part of a yet another splendid metamorphosic process making way for a new outlook of life,emotional level,life style,perception,happiness and surely a new stage of contemporary fine art performance hopefully coming soon. Nevertheless,one way or another,with more or less art production,Antonio Pessoa seems to be going through a period in which one dozen of stimulating activities seem to come up almost at the same time,involving the artist in a breathtaking overflow of mental energy spending,plus a lot of pressure from the ones who only expect him to act and produce like the average art making commited artist. The apparent effortless manner of leading his life alongside his artistic career,turns Pessoa into one of the most original personalities in today's contemporary art scene,stamped with the uniqueness of distinction,I would even go further and suggest,actually very suitable for a Hollywood production leanding role. Mitigated by the undeniable fact that his artwork is worldwide friendly accepted,admired and cherished,the crash point comes alive time after time when Pessoa runs out of patience or legitimate interest for a specific situation and consequently next thing we know, Antonio Pessoa is driving every of his closest friends and colaborators ,crazy and near desperation filtering through the screen of real life in a splash of emotional storm,freezing flames and God knows what else. And,yes sir,that's when everyone around him starts hating to admit that maybe,well,just maybe,a hard rain is about to fall. Well,art lovers,please do keep these images in your head because according to my ten years of experience,as an art critic and close friend of Pessoa,usually all this on-going Commedia dell'Arte turns out to bring a new breeze of fresh air,well,well,then everything goes back to smooth routine,even against all odds. Anyway,let's face it,an intense,talented,creative one such as Antonio Pessoa,artist,musician,art expert,mediator,couldn't be expected to always react like a John Doe,so to speak.However,despite the amount of good reasons he might eventually think he has to react or overreact,Pessoa at least always seems to dress with the common sense enough to eventually apologize or at least keep in mind in order to be a bit more cool next time social life's weather report isn't favorable to his peculiar and very personal tastes. Sala Panaderas - Antonio Pessoa http://www.galeria- pessoa/2-30-2-30.htm Sala Panaderas in La Coruña,northern Spain,seems to have adopted one of the most promising artists of the international art scene right now,Antonio Pessoa,showing some of his best series of the worlwide known Romantic Period. A very wise choice unquestionably,considering the place and the time when this actually happens. Together with some of the most interesting emerging artists from Galaecia,Pessoa returns to this wonderful region of Spain and in one of its largest cities,La Coruña.This could be the very beginning of a close and expanding partnership,between the artist and Sala Panaderas,in order to give worldwide voice to a culture and a region yet not so much known among europeans and the United States art lovers and art collectors. Looking through the windows of Sala Panaderas front door,we immediately become aware of Pessoa's unmistakable style,the very remarkable stamp of his Romantic Period excellent productions. On a short term this could turn out to be a brilliant and bombastic opportunity and possibility just to break on through to the other side,for them both Sala Panaderas and artist Antonio Pessoa. Precisely just about now when Pessoa is getting ready to take off for the New York art adventure,it's good to find out that an important piece of his most amazing and striking working periods remains in the wise hands of an art gallery which seems to know its way around today's competitive segments of the global art market,despite the fact of Sala Panaderas local environment out and about on-going expanding art vision. Specifically in a region of Europe far from being among the art merchandise leaders,Sala Panaderas swings about obviously with the connoisseur operating knowledge,intuition,wisdom and savoir-faire,managing artistic combinations,style schemes and recipes plus with the punctual layout of elegant and snappy informed conduct aiming and focusing on a relevant qualified performance of a label,product,artists and artworks,providing local art collectors with the comprehensive taste and flavour of quality. Focusing on essential techniques,so it seems,Sala Panaderas or galeria- arte,presents us with a stimulating improvement and Know- How,stepping further ahead and definitely not far from actually taking the leadership of northern Spain's art market monopoly stage. Antonio Pessoa's career,unpredictable has it has always been,leaves us a whole lot of open field to imagine,dream and speculate,however when it comes a time when an artist reaches the point of public under falling burning acceptance and admiration,the synonyms of all these undeniable facts leaves us no much more ground to consider let alone doubt. Pessoa's systematic working method in order to make this wonderful project available to the world is already conceiving interesting results to say the least. Therefore,Sala Panaderas galeria-art,sure deserves our most excited and cheerful applause,definitely our infinite respect for the outstanding enthusiastic passion for your artists plus all upcoming new initiatives in order to expand what is already beginning to look like an impressive and great teaching of art gallery management. As for Antonio Pessoa and Sala Panaderas we are truly lucky to have you both in the recognition club and surely in the spotlight of the international contemporary art scene! Antonio Pessoa Fine Art From now on,anything is possible concerning Antonio Pessoa's professional career,personal life,art production and lifestyle.If all depended on luck then we could sit back,still and quite and wait for the Lucky Stars to do the job.Let's be realistic,things don't actually happen that waymost of the times. So what's the catch? Definitely not a fishing trip.More likely an investment of energy,talent,intuition and public relations common sense. With all the differenceof opinions from the so called "experts" on how to be a top artist in twenty four hours,the on-going process sure requires a extreme high level of human potential,let alone an experienced background in the art studio,art making,talent,art expression,technique and skills.This is something which doesn't seem to worry an art wizard such as Pessoa. In today's worldwide art scene,clearly on the verge of erupting into hundreds of thousands of artists,the art planet on the other hand is quickly loosing the genuine talented species such as Botero,Andy Warhol,Picasso,Georg Baselitz,Pollock,Man Ray,Frank Stella,Thomas Baumgärtel,Antoni Tàpies,Dale Chihuly,Will Ryman,Michael Anderson and at last but not the least Antonio Pessoa,one of the most promising talents of the contemporary new generation. Antonio Pessoa's outstanding artistic achievements,art studio and public performances so far have been showing and providing us with some of the most prolific series of amazing diversity contemporary avant-garde results. For the past ten years Pessoa has been responsible for one of the largest fine art encyclopedias on canvas,shining in his brilliance as an inventor,sketcher,mixing and matching manipulator,new age fine art dancer,an art expression boundaries breaker,daring projects generator,his wonderful spontaneous inventiveness daily updated,successfully acomplishing a high quality innovative artflow identified and recognized as a top contemporary artistic phenomenon.Fact. Reasons enough so it seems,for the world start betting on a sudden explosion of a mythical contemporary art new wave worldwide label titled Antonio Pessoa. Et Voilà!That's the good news.The bad news,perhaps,is Pessoa's comfortable procrastinating attitude,as if life should be an endless leisure contemplative time,despite the artist's natural capacity to sustain a fierce lasting motivation when it comes to sudio artworking,however mitigated by a long term home seet home hypnosis which in a way has been feeding deep relationship with his inner self,on the other hand also the source of the unfair delay of his international reputation. Antonio Pessoa's communication skills,the great artist specialized in visual problem solving and artistic storytelling,exchanges what it could be his pwn version of a top artist for a environmental easy solutions,at home or at the country club,happily following his spiritual stabilization network,as an excuse and also a bad example for the struggling artists from all over the world. I would say,without being much far from the truth,that Antonio Pessoa since the very beginning of his art odissey became fully aware of how much public projection would always determine the voice power and communication strengh ans flow of art expression. However his luck strike in the early 90'sturning him into the most wealthy and productive emerging artists of western Europe,didn't actually change his perceptions of how little art does matter for the public in general without a projection backup to make it enough interesting and charismatic for the art lovers and art collectors. Antonio Pessoa kept on playing his cards,although plenty aware that like beauty,luck and social position,artistic charisma could indeed open many doors in the art scene world. Pessoa's intuitive circuits entirely adapted to the modern times,prevented him from taking himself too seriously and become an artist all the way without experiencing the down-side of the trade,always somehoe protected by his solid rational viewing of art scene community and public. Throughout the years Pessoa's emotional rescue came mainly from his own inner self intuition and wisdom,allowing him to set a stage of favorable situations in which it was possible for him to accomplish a remarkable fine art collection of artworks generating an unquestionable intensive fine art research program,an endless list of art pieces all of them reflecting a live a life you love sort of inspiration status,dream and attitude. All this studio fine art performance took the artist to such a technical degree in which Pessoa at a certain point had indeed constructed a well developed method of easy going power of invention and real time art action on canvas. Recently,Antonio Pessoa,always faithful to his deepprinciples and beliefs,breaks up with the old tendencies and model references,embracing entirely the contemporary speech,despite his collaborators and friends pressure to make him go on with the same old figurative stamp. The recent series of contemporary art reports,show us clearly a great innovative change of his traditional art communication concept,aiming and achieving a brand-new philosophical range,world and lifesyle general perspective and outlook and of course his personal life dimension as well. Antonio Pessoa looks at the international art scene as a wonderful fascinating huge monster,a great amount of art galleries concentrated in the world's largest cities downtown,precisely the sort of noisy,tremblong,erupting,rushing,racing cement jungle,the artist tries to avoid sometimes at any cost,even aware his artistic career depends a whole lot on those top galleries stuck in the middle of the breathtaking metropolitan atmosphere. More and more comfortable in sunny small cosmopolitan spots such as Ibiza,Mallorca,southern France and southern Portugal,Pessoa goes on helplessly postponing his big break and at the same time building up the sort of lifestyle which suits his deep and real nature and conceptual perception of time and life. This contradictory system and situation seems to have gained a great deal of control upon Pessoa's decisions and definitely upon the way he leads his life and lets his artistic career follow behind as if some higher and much more powerful voice keeps on calling alomg the day after day essence of truth to an idyllic perfect combination of pleasures of pure philosophical excellent and delightful easy going glamour. Nevertheless Antonio Pessoa's fine art goes on inevitably despite his obvious production slowdown. Unpredictable as the weather report,Pessoa's personal and professional artistic life one more time remains in God's classified information department.This seems to be so far all the planning tips I can actually come up with and provide the readers,despite the proven reliable Antonio Pessoa's painting machine reputation,his specific and unique energy,cultural heritage and contemporary fine art skills . Private,personal and inner issues always have seemed to be playing the vindicatory role,have always sustained a far more expanding range of influence,than simple matters os position,social status or regular income in Antonio Pessoa's life,for all that matters,and it sure does matter at least what concerns and might affect one way or another one of the most controversial,stimulating artisys of today's art scene. I wish I had a hunch that one line would be enough to state a reliable prognostic,a more consensus panel to clarify,report,solve,reveal,the hidden secrets of the remarkable contemporary art acrobat named Antonio Pessoa. Communication,mixed media on watercolor paper,Antonio Pessoa 2007,could be seen as just another artwork by the artist,however the title leaves enough suggestions, loose ends,arrow keys to navigate related to the frequently asked questions,a dimension of legitimate curiosity where the public,local or worldwide,wishes to know more and more about an artist project,syatematically updated,collecting a punctual interesting selection of information,the classic guide for art lovers,art collectors,art gallery managers,art curators and public in general,providing them with substantial lines to be and being kept informed about what's happening with Pessoa's life,career,work and events. Since 2003,Antonio Pessoa already living in Barcelona,Spain,the internet oviously came up and turned out to be another magical and powerful communication tool,providing the artist's closest collaborators with a rather interesting and direct way to tell the world about Pessoa's on- going events and all sort of valuable information concerning his artitic and even personal life. Antonio Pessoa at the beginning clearly not particularly interested,to say the least,in the internet scene,step by step became convinced of the wonderful communication stream of the cyberspace nowadays. If Antonio Pessoa wasn't after all destined to paint live,as it was his primary purpose at the very beginning of his career,at least now he could be in contact with a great amount of public,mainly in Google,as we all know the most consulted and popular search engine in the internet world so far. Therefore,from then on,Google,Yahoo and Msn indeed helped tominimize the time required to find information about Antonio Pessoa out and abouts. When this internet exploring firat experiences took place,Pessoa was going through a rather complicated and complex emotional period due to his personal life,to such an extent that at a certain given point he could hardly manage and handle his studio work on his traditional daily basis,actually slowing down his art production almost to a dangerous situation of total paralysis. For the first time in ten years,Antonio Pessoa was clearly showing signs of obvious lack of interest in art making,proportionally to the great action time golden years of his remarkable Romantic Period fine art performance. Nevertheless,the show had to go on,and despite the emotional whirlwind,Antonio Pessoa had to make a supreme effort and get rid of a great deal of inner contradictory forces in order to get back up on the road again and start from the scratch,one way or another,anything but surrendering to the evil powers of negative thinking up to cripple his fierce creative spirit. In order to star dealing effectively with the stressful rhythm of the big city and the contemporary art scene life,Antonio Pessoa definitely needed a nice warm bath of courage and at the same time an urgent immersion in the stimulating positive bubbles of daily art working time. Antonio Pessoa got back down to work,back down to earth,with the will power of someone determined to create a new version of his unique lifestyle. While the internet communication and information operation began his close encounters with the contemporary art scene world,Pessoa kept on overcoming his painful emotional blackout the best way he knew how,defeating his inner ghosts with the sword of a remarkable straightforwardness,at last dealing with the infirmity quite successfully. Only two years later the artist finally broke up with the old masters persistent influences giving birth to a brand-new stamp in his oeuvre.The New Era ! By this time the online communication flow had already gone a long way with the talented collaboration of several web designers,young emerging art critics and a new vision of interesting possibilities in the art information field. Antonio Pessoa was coming out of the dark shadows of his studio to the limelight of the cyberspace and therefore exhibiting his life and artwork to a much wider and eclectic educated crowd of art lovers and public. That's the least we can do for all simply adore contemporary art,provide them with all information available,building up a system of online communication,a labor of global sharing just to be rewarded by witnessing with great satisfaction how art lovers get deep enjoyment from knowing more and more about an open book sort of artist,Antonio Pessoa , a man who truly understands that art expression nowadays and more than ever must go beyond the framed canvas and galleries walls,straight into the worldwide public awareness,judgement and criticism,a flying satellite equipped with update art life information reliable reports. Internet allowing fine art and even the artist's personal life as a whole connecting with the world,seems to be unquestionably a healthy and supreme attitude towards the thousands and millions of all of them art lovers,after all the ones who actually make possible and a fact the increasing fluxus of the contemporary art scene. Antonio Pessoa The Picasso's affair Pablo Picasso portrait,oil on canvas,Antonio Pessoa 1999,a tribute to the great twentieth century's spanish master by the artist in the late nineties Romantic Period apotheosis,has survived in Pessoa's private collection throughout the years,one of the main reasons due to his high price,but not quite so... The hidden reasons concerning Pablo Picasso portrait high rating has been so far Antonio Pessoa's unwillingness to sell an excellent oeuvre representing one of the great masters he most admires. In the picture above,Vicente Fernandez Lago,Antonio Pessoa's friend,partmer,collaborator,manager and public relations in Spain and Latin America,stands side by side with the magnificent Pessoa's Pablo Picasso portrait,clearly happy and proud and expanding joy with a broad smile on his face,due to the fact that this summer Antonio Pessoa's Pablo Picasso portrait has indeed been hitting the big time,due to the unexpected countless offers from several top art collectors from all over Spain and also Germany. Crazy as it seems,despite all this rather tempting offers,the jubilant Mr.Fernandez Lago had to turn them all down,one by one,due to the fact that artist Antonio Pessoa simply doesn't seem to be yet quite prepared to say goodbye to one of his private collection's favorite masterpieces.Pablo Picasso portrait. Naturally as the ceaseless offers kept on coming,the painting's price kept on striving higher and higher toward the shinning pinnacle of ninety five thousand dollars! What do you know! Even so,despite the daily continuous pressure from Mr.Lagos,Antonio Pessoa was stubbornly determined to refuse the frantic maddening traffic jam of offers arriving everyday at Mr.Lagos office,either by fax,mail or phone calls. The reason for all this unexpected rushing race after Pessoa's Pablo Picasso portrait,as for the time being still remains quite an unsolved mystery,despite Mr.Lagos helpless efforts in order to actually find out the source of all this sudden summertime fever over one of Antonio Pessoa's Romantic Period private collection favorite masterpieces. Art news travel fast,so it seems,however as nothing can be done against the artist's last word,Pessoa's private collection remains intact just as it was eleven months ago when the artist decided to sell,for a very reasonable price so I've been told,also one of his favorite paintings,titled "Lovers Union",a mixed media on canvas from 1998,delivered to a french art collector who,lucky him,happens to be one of the artist's new friends in the glamorous parisien Jet Set circuit,le beau monde of the french capital city Antonio Pessoa simply adores. It's never enough to mention,Antonio Pessoa's outstanding art studio performance during the nineties and the first two years of the new Millennium,worldwide known as The Romantic Period. It's also quite obvious that Pessoa at a certain point of his feverish hard working studio odyssey,used Picasso as a model and a reference,not necessarily by adopting some of his art expression style but more accurately by leaning on Picasso's working method and discipline. During that time in which Antonio Pessoa could hardly get proper stimulus let alone inspiration from the social circle of local procrastinating and rather démodé artists, surrounded by a bunch of mediocre art dealers whom by fate,culture and circumstances, settled down in a local short vision and small range of art merchandise sort of entrenchment,Pablo Picasso working method comes up as the perfect paradigmatic support for Pessoa,in order to obtain a better focused labor system,the art action process taking the right course of intensiveness,invention and art production. This art action-oriented programming,maintained this powerful model named Picasso well linked with the talented emerging artist named Antonio Pessoa,providing him with a substantial positivism and unquestionably with a great amount of potential energy and motivation. Knowing these facts and once we actually become aware of the great contribution Picasso gave him during times of doubt and lack of references,it's at last understood the clear picture of Antonio Pessoa now and then creating a lasting remembrance with a tribute to the spanish master.Thereby this meaningful attachment between the artist and Pablo Picasso portrait,can be easily interpreted as a touching symbolic gesture of gratitude not only for the supply of psychological support but also as a sign of respect for one of the greatest creators ever!

mercredi 26 septembre 2007

Antonio Pessoa ' Lifestyle

Antonio Pessoa


Antonio Pessoa - LifeStyle As we all know,life sometimes can be very stimulating and rewarding,although unexpected changes and unpredictable surprises may sometimes turn everything upside down in such a frantic manner that next thing you know one might as well start having the strange sensation of being living in another life. That actually happens quite often,despite our daily efforts to organize our routine and shape it into a life style model we've been dreaming of for quite a long time.fair enough. Nevertheless destiny or fate have a weird way to continuously show us we should be always ready to be born again in a new dimension of perception,emotions and philosophy. And that's what happened with Antonio Pessoa,a far too long display of adventures,relationships, art style changes,love affairs,a broken marriage,more last minute made up decisions leading too yet another frantic new adventures,falling down and stepping up again...and suddenly waking up in a new universe of wisdom,peace,emotional rescue and maturity responding to the circumstances in the appropriate manner of a wise artist,person and citizen,now acting more out of a learned intuition rather than the impulsive associations of a few years ago. Most important of all,amazing as it actually is,Pessoa somehow managed to keep his life style intact, maintaining his powerful strong beliefs in complete form and function,an entire integrity towards himself,art,friends,partners and life in general. Unquestionably we are indeed facing and witnessing a high quality inner motivation source,a sustaining inspiration definitely related to skills,talent,artistic performance,commitment and an absolute striking positive thinking and energy. In the contemporary fine art field it has been always genuinely spontaneous and heartfelt the way Antonio Pessoa managed to share and also promote his faith,heart and soul both with the worldwide public and with his fellow artists as well. This apparently basic overview of Pessoa's proven solid principles provides us with enough high ranking common-sense when it comes to accept once and for all this artist and art expert,as a unique and gifted excellent example of a true remarkable paradigmatic manifestation of a continuous urgency to turn daily routine into a supreme positive and productive lifestyle. I would say that maybe one of the secrets for Antonio Pessoa's lack of anxiety concerning his artistic career,lies on his general perspective of life,in his particular case a huge endless universe of possibilities,obviously in direct relation to his eclectic multifacetic skills,his high cultured,educated background,plus an outstanding hyperactive intuition and intelligence providing him with an impressive selection of options and several dimensions of identity ,life approach and striking performance. Antonio Pessoa's global cognitive and abstract relational functions allow him a continuous easy- going life leading just by sharp instinct and highly developed emotional intelligence. An IQ also playing a very important role in today's contemporary art scene as we all know by now. To assess Pessoa's relationship between art production-invention and his always glamourous,original lifestyle,we should be able and capable to actually examine a great deal of his stimulating and almost Hollywood-like biography,the most reliable form to bring enough discernment of the essential motivations of the artist and art expert,for,let's face it,indeed an artistic performance of Antonio Pessoa's caliber is definitely the blending of intelligent intuition and some hard work to go with,naturally. One of the great aspects of Pessoa's lifestyle is,from my personal perspective- a reliable view considering my already ten years as one of his closest collaborators and friends- actutually his tremendous capacity to disconnect from the pointless pursuit racing crowd and by choosing the withdrawal back to his unique spiritual universe,quickly recovering the vision of soul,matter and self,exploring new existences of thought,space and art expression,a gathering place for truth,creativity,self-improvement and usually the results of all this fascinating process come up as the art science necessarily starting with new propositions of true amazing contemporary communication,by dissecting and interpreting all the philosophical conclusions.Lovely! Antonio Pessoa as a contemporary art programming languages wizard,continuously researching areas related to pure fine art high performance,provides us simple,affordable and almost familiar contemporary art codes and references,the true colors of existence we all feel commited to and helplessly inclined to pleasantly absorb. No wonder Antonio Pessoa keeps on showing the world how wonderful is to create,make art to amuse,delight and give genuine enjoyment to his growing faithful public,followers,art lovers and art collectors.

vendredi 21 septembre 2007

Sala Panaderas - Antonio Pessoa

Sala Panaderas - Antonio Pessoa

Sala Panaderas in La Coruña,northern Spain,seems to have adopted one of the most promising artists of the international art scene right now,Antonio Pessoa,showing some of his best series of the worlwide known Romantic Period.
A very wise choice unquestionably,considering the place and the time when this actually happens.
Together with some of the most interesting emerging artists from Galaecia,Pessoa returns to this wonderful region of Spain and in one of its largest cities,La Coruña.This could be the very beginning of a close and expanding partnership,between the artist and Sala Panaderas,in order to give worldwide voice to a culture and a region yet not so much known among europeans and the United States art lovers and art collectors.
Looking through the windows of Sala Panaderas front door,we immediately become aware of Pessoa's unmistakable style,the very remarkable stamp of his Romantic Period excellent productions.
On a short term this could turn out to be a brilliant and bombastic opportunity and possibility just to break on through to the other side,for them both Sala Panaderas and artist Antonio Pessoa.
Precisely just about now when Pessoa is getting ready to take off for the New York art adventure,it's good to find out that an important piece of his most amazing and striking working periods remains in the wise hands of an art gallery which seems to know its way around today's competitive segments of the global art market,despite the fact of Sala Panaderas local environment out and about on-going expanding art vision.
Specifically in a region of Europe far from being among the art merchandise leaders,Sala Panaderas swings about obviously with the connoisseur operating knowledge,intuition,wisdom and savoir-faire,managing artistic combinations,style schemes and recipes plus with the punctual layout of elegant and snappy informed conduct aiming and focusing on a relevant qualified performance of a label,product,artists and artworks,providing local art collectors with the comprehensive taste and flavour of quality. Focusing on essential techniques,so it seems,Sala Panaderas or galeria-arte,presents us with a stimulating improvement and Know-How,stepping further ahead and definitely not far from actually taking the leadership of northern Spain's art market monopoly stage.
Antonio Pessoa's career,unpredictable has it has always been,leaves us a whole lot of open field to imagine,dream and speculate,however when it comes a time when an artist reaches the point of public under falling burning acceptance and admiration,the synonyms of all these undeniable facts leaves us no much more ground to consider let alone doubt.
Pessoa's systematic working method in order to make this wonderful project available to the world is already conceiving interesting results to say the least.
Therefore,Sala Panaderas galeria-art,sure deserves our most excited and cheerful applause,definitely our infinite respect for the outstanding enthusiastic passion for your artists plus all upcoming new initiatives in order to expand what is already beginning to look like an impressive and great teaching of art gallery management.
As for Antonio Pessoa and Sala Panaderas we are truly lucky to have you both in the recognition club and surely in the spotlight of the international contemporary art scene!

Anneke Frenken

lundi 17 septembre 2007

Antonio Pessoa ' Winds of Changes

Antonio Pessoa . Winds of Changes

Through the winds of changes,artist,art curator Antonio Pessoa,searches for new solutions for his personal life and and inevitably for his career as well.
A great communicator,Pessoa might find himself at times rather distressed,experiencing doubts,a dangerous field of emotions and unsolved priorities coming and going in a sort of magnetic resonance.Overwhelmed by a ruthless hurricane of contradictory ambivalences which structure seldom turns out to be not as solid as it should,however striking hard enough to create a state of fragility involving lack of interest in the art scene and therefore involving an immediateurgency calling out a new resuscitation of perception and life style.
Obviously,this sort of emotional overflow happened so many times in Antonio Pessoa's adventurous life and artistic career involving personal and professional
relationships,somehow making him carving his destiny with the unpredictable manner of the ones who never surrender to mediocrity,no matter what's at stake and very often taking the most apparently unthinkable options.
Pessoa continues renewing his conclusions,leading him to new values,obviously the necessary Winds of Changes,brand-new updated solutions focusing their positive energy and wisdom on a more solid,self-sactisfyng and rewarding life style.
This isn't suppose to mean a switch of direction but more likely a fresh new take of perception,self-improvement and therefore happiness and character enhancement step by step method and program.
Antonio Pessoa,the artist,Pessoa,I would claim a new sort of art expert,keeps on living and systematically goes on rearranging his inner relations paradigms and beliefs accurately representing reality as a matter of discovery on a daily basis.
His personal and always unique life style and posture in the in the frantic world of today's art scene very probably on very short terms are going to be projected inevitably in his always surprising and tremendously innovative artworks.
Unquestionably it has been this unbreakable enthsiasm for the things in life as a whole which has been interesting the public,art lovers and art collectors,somehow turning Antonio Pessoa's life to become even more exciting and thrilling than his artwork.
Despite all the ups and downs,ins and outs,Pessoa has always been proving to be and to, ive at the highest level elegantly faithful to his living and emotional values,no matter what was at stake,let alone his artistic career.
Knowing Pessoa as I do know him I can easy and certainly bet that these blowing winds of changes are once again part of a yet another splendid metamorphosic process making way for a new outlook of life,emotional level,life style,perception,happiness and surely a new stage of contemporary fine art performance hopefully coming soon.

samedi 8 septembre 2007

Antonio Pessoa' The NEW ERA

Antonio Pessoa


Picture yourself in a brand-new dimension of Art expression and next thing you know you are experiencing a new sensation of freedom and the feeling that after all contemporary Art remains alive to an extent far beyond what you probably might have been expecting.
Picture yourself getting rid of the same old art concepts even the so called contemporary,for all that matters,and therefore entering a new universe of world wide communication where you can be involved as a viewer,as a critic and even as an artist.
You may wonder how come is that possible?
Simply because Antonio Pessoa is indeed a whole lot more than just the average artist,he is a genuine born to be a communicator,relating Art directly to people right in the act as a power of nature led by a natural mission wich opens the doors and through Art discloses directly the hidden secrets of life,love,energy,positive thinking and more than contemporary Art a new perspective of contemporary attitude.
The NEW ERA is atributed to Antonio Pessoa just as cubism to Picasso.The studio wizard is back online like Phoenix from the ashes.
No more heroes required,Antonio Pessoa is just a man not a God,nevertheless his macro energy,talent,heart and soul,turn out to be the perfect combination right at the start of the new century.
A NEW ERA of Art expression is born and long live modern Art with Antonio Pessoa's contribution and his voluntary act of giving in common with others for the common purpose of contemporary Art enhancement developmental endeavour.

There's no doubt that Antonio Pessoa's New Era is here to stay.It's well known that the artist's tradition and reputation translates a solid as a rock reliability wich keeps on providing us with the undeniable reassurance that once he commits himself to a specific convincing belief he hardly is ever going to give it up or give in.
And that's about as far as we need to go.
So Art lovers , all you have to do is let your emotions flow as Antonio Pessoa's New Era artworks keep on coming,showing us the Art side of reality,with the impact touch wich only he knows how to handle with the unmistakable skillfulness of his exceptional creative ability,dazzling unusual and unique,the model of contemporary Art communication at his very best apotheosis level of invention and high quality.
The general anatomy of Antonio Pessoa's New Era artworks is of total abstract meteoritical symbols,a babylonian of colors and shapes macroevolution leading us to amazing suggestions of how our feelings and emotions can actually drift away for a long voyage a waggish day dreaming experience that only Art has made possible up to now.
If ever there is any particular message behind the cosmogenical surface of the New Era's artworks,very likely is for the artist to know and for us to find out.That's indeed the stimulating thrill of writing Art with underlines.Despite this artistic classified information,undoubtedly kept in secret on purpose,communication is flowing out in the open more than enough or at least just enough to keep the viewer in the privileged state of fascinating discovery.

A friend of mine roughly one year ago came up with a quite interesting quotation.He said " Writing about Art is the same as painting about Music ". That kept me wondering for a few days,fortunately I gave it a second thought and there I was concluding that maybe painting while writing about Art was probably the next option to take.
One way or another,fact is that on the whole I've always been more concerned about Antonio Pessoa's life,the artist and the man,than specifically,shall we say,preoccupied about going on prattling putting down in words what is visually so much enough obvious as mysterious.And that's definitely the wonderful thrill of contemplating visual arts.
So therefore as far as Antonio Pessoa's New Era is concerned I see myself rather playing the role of the biographer than just the art critic very often obsessively displaying titanic literary criticism oriented pages in the time wasting struggle of searching for square definitions related to something such as Art where obviously rigidly accurate analytical sequences have absolutely nothing to do with what's at stake.
Antonio Pessoa's New Era can easily manage to survive without the need of long speeches about the issue.On the other hand Antonio Pessoa's life and work has got indeed much more than enough amazing and truly interesting real time,direct action,real life,living Art content as to actually provide adequate ground to be put down in words.
Art interpretation concept therefore makes the artist's biographical zone if not compulsory , at least worthy of acceptance in order to digest a far more clear understanding of what it's all about.
Specifically what particularly concerns Antonio Pessoa's New Era,now here we have a true stimulating and complex challenge to face,to take and definitely to enjoy.

Standing before the idea of this new project of Antonio Pessoa,is just about enough to give us the breathtaking hope that indeed something unexpectedly new in the contemporary Art scene is about to happen.Fact is it already did.
So let the child grow,make it asap Antonio,for all of us who have been following your career so far,we all believe it's going to turn out to be one more time into an action art performance wich certainly is going to keep us together more than ever focusing our attention span into your Art vision today.
Art lovers and Art collectors sure need something fresh and new to lean on and that's where Antonio Pessoa's New Era comes in,full of color and grace,gentle and sentimental,elegantly glamourous and powerfully avant-gardish wich now that we come to think of it verdict is that it turns out to be a formula far beyond the so called contemporary fashion average,straight towards the perfect combination of what progressive neo-futurism indeed should be.
A true Art studio veteran coming back live and alive dressed up as a talented gifted absolute beginner,much more than a daring act of courage,is hereupon the herald shouting the arrival of the new century's mirror,the magical mirror wich only Art can provide,wich only Art can afford just by translating the contradictory elements of nature into the compact beauty wich only Art can accomplish.
Art lovers and Art collectors,make room and make way,let us all allow Antonio Pessoa's New Era to become what it's meant to be.A brave new world of communication,intention,sensation,emotion,invention and expression.

Submiting a new concept to the world has always been a risky process,a labyrinth of options and alternative B plans,pertaining to unconventional choices between mutually exclusive possibilities.Once the petrification of the same old formulas becomes totally out of question,then there's no way back whatsoever and the two options left are either suicide or glory.And that's as romantic as I can afford to be when sharing and facing the artist's dilemma of to be real or not to be.
The Art magician one day wakes up just to find out and so honestly admit to himself that despite his multiple tricks somehow still manage to keep the audience in a suspense breathtaking nail-biting tension,fact is that suddenly his tricks don't mean anything to him anymore.
And that sometimes can actually be the very beginning of a new period,if there's still the burning fire in the artist's heart and soul.
Antonio Pessoa's New Era is the perfect example of a heart and soul,where dancing flames seem to flip-flop and fly through clouds and clouds of multicolored smoke and as when there is smoke there is fire,there is an artist who has just made up his mind determined to make sure the show must go on and this time now more eager than ever to step on the stage and turn the audience into an orgasmic crowd.
Better said than done,some might claim,although while in so doing,very likely the artist is already at work and while some skepticals bystanders doubt it,very probably Antonio Pessoa's New Era might as well be by then taking off,flying and landing at the airport of recognition to receive the open arms welcome of the erudite ones who have the privilege of understanding an artistic phenomenon when they see one.